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Solar Panels


The term "photovoltaic" comes from the Greek phos meaning "light", and the name of the Italian physicist Volta, after whom the volt (and consequently voltage) are named. It means literally of light and electricity.

High-Quality Monocrystalline silicon cells from Interplex Solar

Our Monocrystalline Solar Panels are the most efficient PV cells in the market. Cut from single crystals of silicon, this system can harness around 15% of the sun's energy that falls on it. PV cells are panels you can attach to your roof or walls. Each cell is made from one or two layers of semiconducting material, usually silicon. When light shines on across the cell it creates an electric field across the layers. The stronger the sunshine, the more electricity is produced. PV cells come in a variety of shapes and colours, from grey "solar tiles" that look life roof tiles to panels and transparent cells that you can use on conservatories and glass. The strength of the PV cell is measured in kilowatt peak (kWp) – that's the amount of energy the cell generates in full sunlight.



Cut your electricity bills:

Sunlight is free, so once you've paid for the initial installation your electricity costs will be greatly reduced. A typical home PV system can produce around 50% of the electricity a household uses in a year.


Cut your carbon footprint :

Solar electricity is green, renewable energy and doesn't release any harmful carbon dioxide or other pollutants. A typical home PV system could save around 1200 kg of carbon dioxide per year – that about 30 tonnes over its lifetime.


Sell Electricity back to the Grid :

If your system is producing more electricity than you need, or when you can't use it someone else can use it –and you could make a bit of money. Store electricity for a cloudy day : if your home isn't connected to the national grid you can store excess electricity in batteries to use when you need it.


Planning permission :

Contact your council to see if you need to apply for planning permission for your solar panel. You won't need planning permission for most domestic solar panels, as long as they respect certain size criteria - but exceptions apply for listed buildings, buildings in conservation areas and world heritage sites.


Choosing a location for your solar panel :

If your building has unshaded areas and generally faces south , It's a good candidate for a solar system.

For maximum efficiency, solar panels should be mounted on a south-facing roof at 30 degree angle to the horizontal and away from the shadows of trees, buildings or chimneys.





Technical Specifications :

125 WATT

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